Saturday, March 28, 2009

Update on Kate

So...after going to the orthopedic, we found out that Kate's fracture was a spiral fracture! She got a lovely purple cast. I wanted an off-white one so that it wouldn't be an eye-sore, but Matt, being the practical one that he is, decided that purple would be best because it would hide dirt and everything else that she gets into! She will get her cast off on April 13th, when she is exactly 10 months old! We can not wait! Bathing is such a chore and she does not like to take her bath in the sink. She still manages to splash and get everyone else wet! She is actually crawling better the right way and she's faster even with the cast! As you can see, she continues to stand and has even become braver and is standing without holding on to things! Like I said...she is our brave one! She still has no fear! Most people say that about their boys...

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