Sunday, March 15, 2009

Our first broken bone!

So I know what you're thinking. What did Zach do?!?! Well, it wasn't Zach, it was actually Kate! On Friday, Kate would not bear any weight on her right leg. She cried and let you know that something was wrong. I took her to the hospital Friday night, and after waiting for 3 and 1/2 hours, we found out that she had a hair-line fracture on her right tibia. The tibia is the bone from the knee to the ankle. I was very calm until the doctor came back and told us that!!! She has a fiberglass cast on right now and we go to see the orthopedic tomorrow! The doctor told us that it is not uncommon for young kids to do this because they are learning and experimenting with what they can do and all they have to do is take a wrong step or twist the wrong way. It surprised us for sure! She's a trouper, that's for sure! We are making her as comfortable as possible and we keep the Tylenol flowing! She continues to try and crawl but pretty much drags that right leg. She wants to stand and gets pretty frustrated that she can't! Hopefully she won't be in a cast for too long! We'll keep you updated!

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