Sunday, March 29, 2009

The End of Break!

It's hard to believe we've been off an entire week! It was a crazy week! I got to spend the entire week with the kids, which was a lot of fun. Kate took a lot of adjusting to this. Matt was on days which was great for us after 3:00. Kate, however, decided that she really didn't need much sleep for the first 4 days of break, but got back into her routine after Thursday! She slept like a champ all weekend. We got to go out to lunch and play with lots of friends. We even went to Tuscola for a shopping trip on Wednesday. Zach was able to go bowling with Aunt Janice and Riley and had a blast! He scored a 71! We organized Zach's room! This really needed to be done. We had to replace Zach's fish because we had several deaths within a few weeks. He got a snail, named Gary and two catfish named Sam and Charlie! We'll see how long they live! His other goldfish lived for about a year and a half! Not too bad! You can definitely tell that the dogs are ready for us to go back to school and work!

The Drink of Choice

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Micah and Casey!

Over break, we got to go to two birthday parties! Micah turned 4 and Casey turned 6! We had lots of fun at both parties! Zach loved playing with his friends and didn't want to leave! Zach had a lot of fun on the tire swing with Madelyn! Kate especially enjoyed the slide!

New Milestones

Over break, Katelyn has hit some new milestones. Some good...and some not so good. On the positive side, Katelyn has learned "so big!" She puts her hands up and smiles when we say "so big!" It's fun!!! She continues to say "Ma" and will say her favorite word, "no." We are working on "da da!" On the not so positive side, we had our first major temper tantrum. Kate definitely shows us her displeasure when we take something away from her or tell her "no!" She now will throw herself back and scream! This was very surprising for me the first time she did this! Also, Kate got her second tooth which is right next to the first one! She is working on a third right now. As if she doesn't have enough going on!!!!!

Still stands on her own

Update on Kate

So...after going to the orthopedic, we found out that Kate's fracture was a spiral fracture! She got a lovely purple cast. I wanted an off-white one so that it wouldn't be an eye-sore, but Matt, being the practical one that he is, decided that purple would be best because it would hide dirt and everything else that she gets into! She will get her cast off on April 13th, when she is exactly 10 months old! We can not wait! Bathing is such a chore and she does not like to take her bath in the sink. She still manages to splash and get everyone else wet! She is actually crawling better the right way and she's faster even with the cast! As you can see, she continues to stand and has even become braver and is standing without holding on to things! Like I said...she is our brave one! She still has no fear! Most people say that about their boys...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Kate and Julia

Erin and Julia came to visit Kate on Saturday after our visit to the ER. Kate got a new baby and was pretty excited!!! She loved the bag too! It's scary to think that it happened just one week ago! This time last week, we were still waiting to be seen in the ER!!! UGH! Happy Spring Break and let's hope for no more broken bones! Thanks for the visit girls!!! I still think that Julia has more hair than Kate...even now!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Meet Brynn Elyse Kendall

Bryan and Lisa became parents on February 17th to Brynn Elyse! She was 7 pounds 8 oz. and 20 1/2 inches long. She's a cutie!!! Here's a picture with Grandma, Zach, and Brynn!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Our first broken bone!

So I know what you're thinking. What did Zach do?!?! Well, it wasn't Zach, it was actually Kate! On Friday, Kate would not bear any weight on her right leg. She cried and let you know that something was wrong. I took her to the hospital Friday night, and after waiting for 3 and 1/2 hours, we found out that she had a hair-line fracture on her right tibia. The tibia is the bone from the knee to the ankle. I was very calm until the doctor came back and told us that!!! She has a fiberglass cast on right now and we go to see the orthopedic tomorrow! The doctor told us that it is not uncommon for young kids to do this because they are learning and experimenting with what they can do and all they have to do is take a wrong step or twist the wrong way. It surprised us for sure! She's a trouper, that's for sure! We are making her as comfortable as possible and we keep the Tylenol flowing! She continues to try and crawl but pretty much drags that right leg. She wants to stand and gets pretty frustrated that she can't! Hopefully she won't be in a cast for too long! We'll keep you updated!

Kissing Kate

Kate's dresser has a mirror attached and she has always loved looking at herself and smiling! So the other day, she kept putting her hands all over the mirror and looking at herself and making all sorts of sounds. Of course, she pulls herself up and then kisses herself on the mirror! She thought this was too funny! So now she has to kiss the "baby" everytime she gets changed! She reminds you if you forget!!!

Zach was on GREEN!!!

Zach was on "green" for an entire week! He finished his journal EVERYDAY (which is huge) and made good choices throughout each day! We are very proud of him!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Zach and Kate

It's really amazing that even though they are going to far apart in years, they are already close! Kate loves Zach to pieces and smiles anytime he get's close. He can often calm her down just by his voice! Zach is really a great big brother! Let's hope it stays this way!

Katelyn surprised us all last Saturday. I had just given Kate a bath and I was soaked...probably more than her. I sat Kate in her crib so that I could change. She loves playing with her turtle and music box on the side of her crib. When I peeked around the corner to quick check on her, surprisingly I see her standing up in her crib just smiling and looking at me! (Then she waves and says "hi!") Keep in mind that she has been crawling around and pulling herself up on things for the past couple of weeks, but we weren't expecting this! Matt had to drop the crib that night because Kate will be that child to push limits and heave herself over the crib!!! :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009


We are now finally able to share our family and have a blog! Thanks to Pam and Amy for their help and patience!